June 2018 - Fight Club OC
by Maxamilian Demian on Jun 8, 2018
Boxing judges have no business judging MMA fights.
Now that that's out of the way... Last night was another Fight Club OC at The Hangar in Costa Mesa. The show is a half boxing & half MMA. Any time you have a show like that, you run the risk of having boxing judges that are clueless about MMA, judging MMA fights. We only had one fighter on the card — Mark Alvidrez. So let's get to business and talk about the fight.
Round 1 had a couple minutes of pretty even stand up until Mark shot for the takedown. Not long after, Mark had taken his opponent's back but his opponent spun quickly and ended up on top in Mark's guard. His opponent spent the rest of the round on top and definitely won the round.
Round 2, Mark went out and backed his opponent into a corner before going for another takedown. Mark takes his opponent's back again, but this time he locks up a body triangle and is attacking the RNC and delivering punches to the head. The choke was sunk under the chin a handful of times and should have been over, but his opponent stayed vigilant and defended the choked even when he was gurgling. After being on his opponent's back for a good 3.5 minutes, Mark started to transition to an arm triangle. His opponent spun out at that point and spent the last minute on top in Mark's guard, but never really putting Mark in any danger. Round should easily go to Mark.
Going into round 3, we know the judges should have it scored 1 round for each and we need the 3rd round. Mark goes out and immediately lands a takedown. He spends the next 4 minutes ground & pounding his opponent until they stand up with a minute left. In the last minute, Mark lands multiple leg and body kicks and lands a head kick as well, all while not taking any shots. Another round that is clearly in Mark's favor and should give Mark the fight.
When it comes time to get the score from the judges, they all scored round 1 and round 3 correct. Somehow, 2 of the 3 judges gave round 2 to the guy that spent almost the entire round defending chokes with Mark on his back and didn't get any effective offense in the 1 minute he was in an advantageous position. So end the end, Mark loses a split decision due to terrible judging.
This shit got me motivated to get back into reffing and judging MMA as we need less garbage officials in positions to ruin fight outcomes. So I should be working the event at the OC Fair in July!